SOMOS Experiences continues its commitent to sustainability

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SOMOS ExperienesSustainabilitySustainable Developement Goals

In the last two years, we have seen how the concept of sustainability has been gaining prominence in our lives from a personal, social, and business point of view. While a few years ago it was a residual issue that went unnoticed, today it has become one of the compulsory subjects for companies.

Sustainability is a commitment that is transforming the way in which companies focus on their activity, not only because of the environmental impact generated, but also because talking about sustainability also means taking into account economic and social well-being. To this end, it is essential to consider the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations to obtain responsible companies that are committed to a better future.

Although Spanish companies have made great progress in terms of sustainability in recent years, a large majority of them remain on the surface, implementing measures such as energy efficiency, recycling and waste separation programmes or investment in efficient technology. These measures, while helping to reduce carbon emissions, do not take into account other aspects of the SDGs.

Pursuing a sustainable balance

One of the main pillars of SOMOS Experiences' company purpose is commitment. A commitment which we establish with people, with the environment, with economic contribution and with building a fair and equal society. For this reason, since 2022, we have established an action plan which, in accordance with our aims, our teams will implement on a daily basis in order to continue contributing to the fulfilment of the SDGs.

This plan goes beyond the simple fact of reducing the impact we generate, and to carry it out we have an ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) department, a team specialised in monitoring our established objectives, as well as being in charge of transmitting them to the different teams. This action plan consists of three fundamental pillars.

The first of these, and perhaps the most common today, is respect for the environment. It is one of the maxims shared by each and every one of the people who are part of this group. We are aware of the footprint we generate, so we want to reduce it by reducing waste, reusing materials and complying with current regulations. In addition, in order to achieve emission neutrality, we offset our carbon footprint through equivalent investment in reforestation in different areas of Spain.

We firmly believe that people are our greatest treasure. Therefore, we take care of those around us, creating a good working environment in which we have people at risk of exclusion and we promote equality. Likewise, we do not forget to guarantee the safety of the whole team.

We also focus on having a positive impact on society, starting with those around us. For this reason, we contribute to local economic development by relying on local suppliers and producers. In addition, their proximity allows us to reduce the polluting emissions generated by possible displacements.

A step further in CO2 offsetting

To continue generating a positive impact, we transfer our sustainability policy to workers, collaborators and suppliers, making them aware of the environmental impact, while at the same time integrating it into our value chain. But we don't just work behind closed doors to raise awareness.  

Although the measurement and compensation of the carbon footprint has become one of the trends implemented in the events sector as a measure to care for the environment, at SOMOS Experiences we wanted to go one step further, with the creation of our own SOMOS Forest, in collaboration with CO2 Management. Located in the north-east of the Community of Madrid, it is a natural space in which we offer the restoration and conservation of the environment, through the reforestation of the local terrain.

The aim of this initiative is to continue contributing to the reduction of the carbon footprint produced by industry, making this solution available to clients in an agile and simple way.

In this way, at SOMOS Experiences we continue to work towards our goal of caring for the environment and raising awareness among partners and clients about the impact generated, providing them with the opportunity to advocate for the reduction of their harmful gas emissions.

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